Dentures have more available options than before, with options such as partial dentures, full dentures, soft dentures, or micro implants. We can provide patients with dentures to wear temporarily while undergoing a cosmetic procedure, a partial set to wear in combination with natural teeth or a full set of dentures that can help treat tooth loss. As with all of our dental procedures, we will make a recommendation after reviewing the patient's lifestyle and oral health goals.
Upon visiting our Santa Cruz dental office, we will examine the patient's teeth and gums to determine the most effective options for replacing the patient's teeth. Keep in mind that one of the key benefits of wearing dentures is that they are removable. If the patient decides that he or she wants a more permanent solution at a later date, they can always call us. In the meantime, we will ensure the dentures look natural and feel great.
If a patient has any concerns about dentures not being comfortable, we can put his or her mind at ease. A poor fit is one of the main challenges that patients have with dentures. Since dentures consist of acrylic, there is always a chance that patients may have some level of discomfort initially.
Also, there is going to be an adjustment period. However, modern technology and our experience fitting dentures make it possible to create a set that fits the remaining teeth and gums perfectly. When the fit is snug and secure, the dentures will not cause irritation by slipping out of place.
In fact, if a patient has dentures now and feels like they move out of place when eating or speaking, visit Kevin J Daily DDS so that we can examine the current ones and prepare a new set. The shape of the mouth can change over time so even if the dentures fit perfectly ten years ago, the mouth will change and the dentures will require an update.
There are many reasons why people chose to wear dentures and why they continue to remain an extremely viable alternative for people experiencing tooth loss. Since having the perfect fit is critical for dentures to be comfortable, the technology we have today allows us to build a custom-fitted denture that is designed and made specifically to fit in the patient's mouth.
This reduces any chance of irritation while still giving patients the benefits of being able to eat virtually any food. With new custom-fit dentures, many patients find that they can communicate better with having a full set of teeth, since it makes enunciation easier, giving them a better command over the language.
Finally, and sometimes most importantly, our patients find that they are no longer embarrassed to smile. Once a denture gives a patient natural-looking teeth, the patient can smile without feeling self-conscious about displaying tooth loss. Dentures look so natural that no one will be able to tell the difference.
Compared to store-bought whitening products, dentists can generally produce the safest and most effective results.
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